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How to control djvu file in linux

djvu화일 수정하기


djvu is an image format, originally designed by AT&T, that aims at providing the best quality images from scanned material (old books, documents). At the same time, it produces a very small file size, which is ideal for storage. You'll need the djvulibre package available from: http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org/

djvu from jpg

After you've scanned a document and saved it in *.jpg format, simply issue this command:

c44 file.jpg

one djvu from multiple documents

You can create one djvu file with multiple pages.

djvm -c big_file.djvu file*.djvu

This inserts pages in the order of the invididual file names. You can also insert and delete pages:

djvm -i big_file.djvu contract.djvu 4

will insert the contents of contract.djvu at page 4

djvm -d big_file.djvu 4

will remove that same page